Wednesday, 7 December 2011


the embed code to the film is actually


i am going to do my presentation on stop motion animation. stop motion animation is an animation technique by which an object is placed down so it is still, taken a picture of, then moved slightly and taken another picture of. when a string of pictures is compiled then it gives the illusion that as you flick through them at high speed, the object seems to move on its own. i have always been facinated by stop motion. it takes a lot of time and patience, but i find this kind of simple activity enjoyable, as it does not take much mental input from you and you can listen to music or watch tv while animating something.

in my presentation, i will talk about:
-methods for stop motion and how to make stop motion look good.
-the origins of stop motion
-popular stop motion directors and different objects which are easy to animate
-camera settings, light levels, frames per second.

here is an example of a stop motion film